Margaret Hope, Speaking Coach
What her clients say:
“My thanks to you. You taught me how to throw away my notes. I never use them anymore and since the launch of the book nearly two years ago, I have given over 150 talks and now fetch between $3,000 and $5,000 per talk! I have such gratitude to you. You truly are an incredible human being.”
Unsolicited e-mail
Barbara Stegeman, Author
The 7 Virtues of a Philosopher Queen
“Margaret helped two of our RBC Olympians take their experiences and turn them into speeches that were both entertaining and inspirational for their audiences.”
Heather Owen
RBC – Public Relations
“I don’t know exactly what you did to my public speaking but it sure worked. I think you taught me to forget my technician’s tendency to spit out as many facts as possible in as short a time as possible and to relax and talk to people.
I have given variations of our talk a dozen times since I saw you last, to groups of 15 to a few hundreds, on three continents; and I chaired several other large sessions. Each time it was smooth, relaxed and a lot of fun. Your book also taught me to mingle with the audience beforehand and get to know some of them. That is genius — one is speaking to old friends, not strangers. You also gave me some confidence that a pause of some seconds is not wasted time but also important.
(We) … decided to relocate from Vancouver to New Delhi. … (it) has made a big difference in the company’s efficiency and performance. …(we’ve connected to)…Indian geology and mining groups. A group in a small mining and smelter town in Rajasthan invited me to talk about our project to their chapter of a mining organization. Since I was the only foreigner there they gave me the honour of being chairman of their afternoon session. Before I met you I think I would have run out of the room, however it went well and was great fun.
Three more talks are scheduled: In June, 10 minutes to a group of bankers in Hong Kong; in August our AGM in Vancouver; and in October, a seminar of few hours on doing business in India with some fraction of 700 American university students on a “Semester at Sea” ship docked for a day in Chennai.
Many thanks, once again.”
Unsolicited e-mail
Andrew Nevin, President
Pebble Creek Mining, New Delhi, India
“I think phone coaching is a brilliant way to access Margaret’s skills. I was working on an important speech recently, struggling with the flow of it. Within fifteen minutes, Margaret was able to give me all the help I needed to create a winning speech, launching me into provincial politics.”
Pam Birdsall, Nova Scotia
Regards coaching ICBC speakers: Thank you for this great report and for being such an amazing resource to us. We are very pleased!
Unsolicited e-mail, Leanne Cassap – Insurance Corporation of BC
“… my luncheon address last Tuesday went wonderfully. I felt very prepared … and spoke almost completely without notes. I put in a few more stories and had lots of good feedback about it at the end. Thanks so much for your help. It (the coaching) was very worthwhile.”
Unsolicited e-mail
Blaize Horner Reich
RBC Financial Professor of Technology and Innovation,
Segal Graduate School of Business,
Simon Fraser University, Vancouver, Canada
“Thank-you for helping with my presentation – it went really well! You helped me simplify the content and I didn’t even get the jitters.”
BC Gas
“This is a special thank you for your efforts & commitment to coach me. The (speech) has gone well thanks to your support. … you are a wonderful role model.”