Margaret Hope, Speaker
What her clients say:
“We take part in a session with author and communications guru Margaret Hope from British
Columbia. She must read Churchill, for she knows how to deliver a speech like no other I have seen. She is to critique our three-minute speeches. I decide to be brave and throw away the speech I had written. I am in the hands of the finest female communicator in Canada, and I decide to trust that I can do the short speech without notes.”
Halifax Daily News, June 3, 2007
Campaign crash course: women work to change face of politics –
by: Barb Stegemann, Communications Manager for Trade Centre Limited in Halifax
Audience Comments:
“Amazing, gripping, engaging, laughter, navel gazing”
“Wonderful speaker, very engaging”
“Fantastic presenter, she engaged the room the entire time”
“Wonderful! Great opportunity for participation; enthusiasm high; again, kept it simple and powerful”
Margaret presented an inspiring, dynamic and interactive workshop for our volunteer network at our provincial conference. When Margaret and I first spoke about the workshop, I identified some key points that would be valuable to the attendees and Margaret then carefully personalized the presentation for our audience. Her style of facilitation and hands-on activities kept people engaged throughout, and many people commented how motivated they were by her session. Attendees said that she “kept it simple and powerful,” was a “fantastic presenter who engaged the room the entire time,” and she provided practical tips and skills they could apply to many types of situations. It was an honour to have Margaret present, and I sincerely hope we’ll have the chance to work together again.
Unsolicited e-mail, Andrea McLagan – Patient Voices Network
Survive & Thrive in Your Workplace: The social workers thoroughly enjoyed your presentation and they are a very dedicated and hard working group who deserve recognition. A big thank you!
Unsolicited e-mail, Lynette Garrison, Community Relations – Classic Caregivers Ltd.
“Margaret was very professional and well prepared. She involved the audience and demonstrated how she ‘walks the talk’ of the program. Funny, intelligent, professional and very much underpriced.”
TSI Training Systems
“… thanks for your wonderful presentation. The staff adored you and enjoyed the interaction and excitement.”
BDO Dunwoody Chartered Accountants
“You motivated people to action, and left them with a very positive feeling about their future”
Health Canada
“Excellent presentation…demonstrates her beliefs, ‘radiates’ her message.”
Real Estate Board of Greater Vancouver
“As the opening speaker for our first conference in the west in 13 years… you set a wonderful tone for the (convention.) … Your address was enthusiastically received, stimulating and informative..”
National Pool & Spa Institute
Without even looking I can tell you were our most popular speaker all-round. You were wonderful!!! … totally awesome … Manitoba wants to hire you for next year!! In the meantime, congratulations on being so good at what you do. You were definitely a hit!!!
Women’s Enterprise Society of B.C.